Molecular Devices ImageXpress System Training
September 11, 2015
A 5-color assay achieved with multiple filters. Mouse embryo sections
Blue = DAPI, Green = FITC, Red = TRITC, Orange = Cy5
Time: Â 10:00PM - 11:30AM
Location: Open Lab
Molecular Devices ImageXpress Micro XLS Widefield High-Content Analysis System Training
The ImageXpress® Micro XLS System is a widefield automated microscope capable of fluorescent, transmitted light, and phase-contrast imaging of fixed- or live-cell assays, tissues and small organisms. Speed, flexibility, and high quality data are assured with a large field-of-view, industry-leading stage and autofocus control, the broadest range of research-grade objective lenses (1x-100x) available, and multiple filter options. Combined with the suite of MetaXpress® Software tools for acquisition and analysis, this complete solution will help you interpret your images, understand your data, and explore new ideas.