JLABS Presents: Let's talk Legal Workshop
September 13, 2017
Time: 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Location: LabCentral Lobby
This interactive and informal workshop is designed to help entrepreneurs demystifying the legal landscape surrounding protecting and leveraging intellectual property.
Science and technology both play a key part in life science businesses. Do you have technology or information that no one else does or you want to share the secret sauce, but only on your terms. How do you make this happen?
This practical session will focus on how intellectual property (IP) can be used in your life science business, including:
Identifying the types of IP relevant to your business
Protecting and managing the IP of your business
Leveraging your IP through collaborations and licensing
What investors look for in IP due diligence and how to avoid common pitfalls
Scott Orchard | Senior Counsel, Johnson & JohnsonÂ
Megan R. Baca | Partner, Ropes & Gray
Melissa S. Rones | Partner, Ropes & GrayÂ
Come join and be informed.