BioBuilderClub - Final Assembly Poster Session
March 9, 2017
Time: Â 4:00PM
Location: Â Lobby
It's time to celebrate!
BioBuilderClub high school teams around the country and globe have been applying synthetic biology to develop their ideas for a biotechnology project that will promote positive changes in the world.
After months of after-school meetings, and guided by team leaders and scientist mentors, our students are ready to share their projects and experiences with the larger BioBuilder community.
Teams (local and virtual) will present their projects through electronic poster boards. If you are unable to join us at LabCentral, please join us virtually to view the projects and offer feedback.
Some teams will carry their project forward into next academic year, even pursuing publication through an international synthetic biology journal for high school students.
Please join us to celebrate and support the learning journey of BioBuilderClub students! RSVP through Eventbrite by March 1st, noting if you will be joining in person or virtually. If you have any questions, please email
Business casual attire. Light refreshments will be served.
Logistics: No free parking available. Event will be held in the main lobby at LabCentral.
The virtual log-in on March 9 is: or dial in by phone: United States: +1 (646) 749-3122. Access Code: 712-686-509 (Time: 4:00 - 6:00 pm EST)